Make A Donation
We are proud that all profits from Black & Tan are directed to worthy breed-related projects. We do not charge readers to access the magazine so rely on advertising revenue and donations to keep our service free.
So far, we have raised over $5,000 for events and causes like: The AMTC/CMTC Juvenile Cardiomyopathy Study; The ETT (Black and Tan) Club's Health Grants; and the British Manchester Terrier Club's 75th Anniversary Celebrations.
Help us continue our work by making a donation!
So far, we have raised over $5,000 for events and causes like: The AMTC/CMTC Juvenile Cardiomyopathy Study; The ETT (Black and Tan) Club's Health Grants; and the British Manchester Terrier Club's 75th Anniversary Celebrations.
Help us continue our work by making a donation!
To make a donation via cheque or money order,
Email Dianna Texter.